These cream cheese keto pancakes made with almond flour make a perfect low carb …
These cream cheese keto pancakes made with almond flour make a perfect low carb breakfast! Make them ahead on meal prep day & freeze or make them on busy mornings in less than 5 minutes in the blender! You won’t believe how fabulously delicious these low carb, gluten free pancakes are until you try them! Awesome keto breakfast recipe for any low carb or ketogenic diet! #keto #ketor Source by mashpotatogirl
Military Diet/3 day diet-I was skeptical but after 2 weeks (2 rounds) of this I’…
Military Diet/3 day diet-I was skeptical but after 2 weeks (2 rounds) of this I’ve lost a total of 7lbs! I am excited I knew I wouldn’t lose 10lbs each time since I don’t have a ton of weight to lose but I’m happy! I kept a sensible diet using MyFitnessPal app and I’m going to continue this until my baby weight is gone #Ketodietrules Source by ericabernadet